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Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation Custom Map


The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation is a community-based organization that seeks to revitalize the Bloomfield and Garfield neighborhoods. They have many programs, including one that helps build and maintain affordable housing. I have admired their work from afar and decided to use them as the subject of my work.

To help develop the color palette, I visited the organization’s website and downloaded their logo. I uploaded that logo to Canva’s color palette tool, producing the results below.


Color Palette from Canvas


After coming up with my palette, I played around with the colors. I tested them out in different places on the map. One challenge was that the Canvas tool only produced four colors. It would have been easier if I had one or two more colors. After some trial and error, I came up with my design. To help keep me organized, I created a table for where I wanted to use each color. The table is below.

color table

Map Design

In the end, I was able to incorporate all four colors from my palette. The two shades of blue dominate the color scheme. However, I integrate the green and orange colors subtly. I used the green as the color for parks and orange as the color of freeways. I enjoy the contrast of the blue and orange, but I didn’t want to overwhelm the eye with its effect.

screenshot of map design